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FOP Labelling Options Overview

December 14th, 2017

Not long ago it was unthinkable to name a product ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ on the label. “There are no healthy or unhealthy products, only healthy or unhealthy diets,” so goes the mantra.  Nowadays it is generally understood that many consumers have difficulty understanding nutrition information on-pack and that an interpretation of these data can bridge that gap. Front-of-pack labelling options that guide or ‘nudge’ consumers into a healthy direction are becoming more commonplace.

These systems are based on different approaches: positive, negative, simple, complex. To facilitate this ongoing dialogue, Choices recently developed this concise overview in cooperation with the Global Food Research Program of the University of North Carolina. It clearly shows that programs aligned with the Choices principles are the most positive and the simplest labelling options available. According to a WHO Europe report in 2013, almost half of the European population is health illiterate. Consumer guidance to health should, therefore, be easy to understand and as simple as possible. We invite you to use this overview in your ongoing discussions on this important topic.

The WHO-WE report can be found here

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Progress in Nigeria and Beyond

December 14th, 2017

Rutger Schilpzand, Erin Kappelhof, Kingsley AkinroyeDuring a recent visit to the Netherlands, Director of the Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF) and Choices International Board member Dr. Kingsley Akinroye attended several productive meetings with Choices colleagues and other partners. The NHF has operated a positive logo program for many years already and the ambition of the cooperation with Choices is to continue strengthening the national program in the months and years to come. Next year, Choices will meet the NHF Nutrition Committee to review the nutrition criteria and to discuss scientific research. In addition, Dr. Akinroye has the ambition to lead a broader discussion on positive FOP labelling in cooperation with other key African countries. Choices is proud to support these efforts as well and look forward to further collaborations on the continent.

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Bulgaria Works Toward FOP Labelling

December 11th, 2017

On 21 November at the National Conference on Reformulation Bulgarian stakeholders decided to work on a nutrient profiling system for the country and a front-of-pack logo, preferably a positive one.

This conference, part of an ongoing collaboration between the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria and the WHO country office, brought representatives from government, science, NGOs and business together. All agreed to improve the composition of food products and to jointly develop a product group-specific nutrient profiling. This should lay the foundation for a further discussion about a positive logo, to help consumers make healthier choices. The international experience of Choices was highly welcomed.
For more information follow this link

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