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UN: Insufficient Progress in NCD Prevention

March 26th, 2018

The progress in the world on NCD prevention is insufficient to meet the Sustainable Development Goal on NCD prevention. This is the conclusion of a recent report, issued by the Secretary General of the UN in preparation of the UN high-level conference on NCDs in September 2018.

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European Logo Round Table Prepares for Labelling Debate

February 21st, 2018

Copenhagen, 16th January 2018 - Every two years the major positive logos in Europe meet to exchange news and information. The fourth session took place on 16th January 2018 in UN City, Copenhagen and welcomed WHO Europe as observer. Attended by the president of the Choices International Scientific Committee and representatives from Keyhole Norway, Denmark and Sweden, from the Finnish Heart Logo, the Bulgarian labelling initiative, the Czech Choices program and the Choices International Foundation, the meeting also received information about Keyhole in Iceland and Lithuania, the Dutch Choices program and the Healthy Living program in Croatia.

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Choices International Announces New Board

February 6th, 2018

Choices International, the global platform for collaboration with industry, independent scientists, NGOs and health authorities to foster healthier food choices, has today announced a reorganisation of its Board. Formed in 2007 as an industry initiative, it has been increasingly recognised in many countries as a key stakeholder in food policy thanks to this collaboration. Choices has now reached a new point in the programme’s development. A new board is formed, comprised of an independent president, representatives from the national logo organizations and a quality seat on behalf of the International Scientific Committee. This Board will be responsible for governance, strategic vision and mission for the organisation. Industry, which was previously represented on the Board, will now provide input through an Industry Support Group advising the Board on long-term strategy and implementation. A special Scientific Advisory Group will bring industry nutrition experts together to offer technical advice to the independent International Scientific Committee about the feasibility of the Choices criteria. Decisions related to these criteria remain the sole responsibility of the International Scientific Committee itself, which is composed of leading independent scientists. Finally, Regional Industry Support Groups will be formed to support clusters of national Choices related programs in specific regions.

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