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Pavel Telička features in Czech magazine Retail Info Plus

November 22nd, 2012

Pavel Telička, the Chairman of the Choices International Foundation was recently featured in the Czech magazine Retail Info Plus. In an interview entitled ‘Czech market highlights disproportion between quality and price’, Mr. Telička underlines the benefits of the Choices logo in helping consumers to select products. He also provides insight into the Czech Republic’s supply of food – both from the point of view of a consumer and as a representative of Choices Programme. 

You can read the interview (CZ) by following this link.

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Animation film on the Choices Programme translated into Czech

October 5th, 2012

Following the release of a short animation film about the Choices Programme in English on the Choices International Foundation website earlier this year, we’re pleased to announce that the Choices Programme in the Czech Republic - Vím, co jím – has translated this film into Czech. 

You can view the translated version on the Choices Czech website or the original version on the Choices International one.

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