Vienna Declaration on Nutrition and NCDs - Health 2020
July 29th, 2013
On 4-5 July Choices was present at the WHO Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and NCDs in Vienna. The Conference issued the Vienna declaration, in which the member states of the WHO Europe region committed themselves to fight NCDs and invest in NCD prevention. The Declaration requires active engagement of all sectors of society to make the healthy choice the easy choice. To create a healthy food and drink environment, the Declaration stresses the importance of “product reformulation, consumer friendly labelling and nutrient profiling tools which facilitate a healthy choice”. The leadership of WHO on this issue is recognized, a.o. by mandating WHO Europe to develop a new food and nutrition action plan.
Source: WHO Europe - Vienna Declaration on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020. Vienna, 2013.