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Study analyses the presence of Choices in workplace cafeterias

July 19th, 2012

A recent study published in Health Promotion International looks at the degree to which the Choices stamp is present in workplace cafeterias throughout The Netherlands, as well as the factors influencing its implementation. The study represents the first evaluation of this kind for the Choices stamp, and its outcomes offer valuable insight on how to increase its availability.

The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire completed by 316 catering managers from the two largest catering companies in The Netherlands. The results show that the Choices Programme is highly present in approximately one-third of the cafeterias. This is considered a good starting point, as the Programme is relatively new and the implementation in workplace cafeterias is done on a voluntary basis.

Based on the results of the questionnaire, the study provides recommendations on how to increase current implementation levels. Firstly, efforts should be made to align the Choices stamp with catering managers’ views on healthy food. Secondly, meals that comply with Choices criteria should create as little additional work for caterers as possible. Thirdly, catering managers should endorse and be able to communicate about the advantages of the stamp with workplace visitors. Lastly, if the Choices stamp were to somehow be incorporated into caterers’ health policy, this could help to further increase the Programme’s implementation.

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