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ProDANyS – Argentina’s version of the Choices Programme

July 19th, 2012

The government of the Province of Buenos Aires – a market of some 20 million consumers – has adopted the Programme for the Development of Foods, Nutrition and Health (ProDANyS by its Spanish acronym). The programme, under the auspices of the provincial Committee for Scientific Research (CIC), shares the mission, philosophy and approach of the Choices Programme. Therefore, ProDANyS and the Choices International Foundation have agreed to build a close relationship.

ProDANyS is explicitly presented as an answer to the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (2004) when it comes to making the healthy choice easy. A scientific committee will set product criteria based on the Choices scientific methodology, and products meeting the criteria will be allowed to carry a front-of-pack logo.

Dr. Marcelo Tavella, member of Choices’ Latin American Scientific Committee has been appointed chairman of the ProDANyS scientific body. There is also a formal provision calling for a representative of the Choices Latin American Scientific Committee to take part, and it is expected that Dr. Ricardo Uauy will take up this role.

In all practical aspects of the implementation, the Choices Foundation will fully support – and benefit from – ProDANyS.

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