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Mintel links Dutch salt reduction success to Choices

October 5th, 2012

In The Netherlands, 9% of all new food products introduced in 2011 carried a low sodium, no sodium or reduced sodium claim, representing a substantially higher percentage than in other key European markets such as the UK (3%) and France (2%). This information was put forward by Mintel – a market research agency, based on data from its Global New Products Database (GNPD).

“The Netherlands has a higher percentage mainly as a result of the Choices Programme which features on-pack logos to indicate new or reformulated products that are low in sugar, sodium and saturated fat” explained Chris Brockman, Global Food and Drink Analyst at Mintel.

According to Mintel’s data , products bearing sodium claims have decreased in recent years. Indeed, product launches of foods with low/no/reduced sodium claims declined 5% over the 2010/2011 period, appearing on just 2% of all food launches in 2011.

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