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Jaap Seidell presents Choices at US Obesity Society meeting

October 5th, 2012

Professor Jaap Seidell, Chair of the Choices International Scientific Committee, presented the Choices Programme at one of the world’s largest gatherings of obesity professional - the US Obesity Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting held in San Antonio, Texas from 20-24 September 2012. In a parallel symposium dedicated to the theme ‘Front of Package labelling: helpful or confusing?’, Professor Seidell gave a presentation on the Choices Programme methodology, highlighting it as an international, scientifically validated labelling system. Professor Ellen Wartella, Chair of the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) panel on front-of-pack (FOP) labelling, also gave a presentation on the IOM-recommended system. This FOP labelling system largely resembles the Choices Programme, but focuses on the attribution of points based on healthiness rather than on the use of a single logo.

The presentations produced an informative blog on the website of the Scientific American.

For more information on the meeting, please see:

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