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Inauguration of the new Belgian Scientific Committee

February 3th, 2015

A major step in the reactivation of the Belgian Choices organisation has been taken. On the 22nd of January, the new Belgian Scientific Committee met in Brussels. Main task of the committee will be the evaluation of the current set of criteria for the amount of energy, added sugar, trans- and saturated fat, salt and dietary fibre that products have to comply for using the front of pack Ik Kies Bewust / Mon Choix logo that is used in Belgium.

This evaluation will be based on the current criteria for the Belgian market, the ongoing revision of the Dutch criteria and additional new insights in human nutrition, food technology and the food composition of products now on the market. The committee aims the criteria evaluation to be finalised by the end of 2015.

So far, the Committee is composed of Prof. Greet Vansant (President, University of Leuven), Prof. Em. Jan Vinck (University of Hasselt), Ms. Olivia Capot (Haute Ecole Leonard de Vinci - IPL), Prof. Liesbeth Jacxsens (Ghent University), Prof. Marianne Sindic (University of Liège -Gembloux). Some more experts will be approached for membership in the near future.

The Choices Foundation is grateful for the willingness of these scientists to put efforts into the initiative to improve the composition of the food supply in Belgium and wishes the Belgian scientific committee a lot of success.

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