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‘Growth through change’ at the CGF Global Summit 2014

June 26th, 2014

From 18-20 June the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit 2014 was held in Paris. As a member of the CGF, Choices attended the summit. The 58th edition of this event, that attracts CEOs and top level executives from all big companies in the consumer goods business, was themed ‘Growth through change’. The key issue of the summit was confidence, from public opinion and stakeholders, as well as from consumers. Targeted action is needed to regain trust in the industry. Furthermore, as we live in a time with fast disruptive changes, especially with the explosion of the internet, it is very challenging to find answers.

The CGF strategy focuses on four pillars: Sustainability, Product Safety, End-to-End Value Chain & Standards and Health & Wellness. In the opening ceremony, Dick Boer (Ahold) and Paul Bulcke (Nestlé) shared the specific commitments that were decided on by the board: among others, they are committed to make policies on nutrition and product reformulation public; lead industry-wide implementation of consistent product labelling and stop marketing to children (with exception from healthy products). 

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