Food composition data in the Choices International Programme
October 20th, 2015
In a recently published article in Food Chemistry, the use of food composition data for the Choices programme is further explained. One of the authors of the article is Léon Jansen, scientific coordinator of Choices International Foundation.
Food composition data are essential for the Choices-like programmes, as they form the basis of criteria development and deliver insights in the quality of the average foodproducts on the market. This gives an indication of achievable product innovation per product category. In addition, food composition data can be used for nutrient intake modeling studies. These studies have, for example, demonstrated that an average diet with only Choices products is a healthier diet. The authors discuss in depth the role and availability of food composition databases. They conclude that access to product composition stimulates food research. The food industry, retail and out-of-home industry can help initiatives that stimulate a healthier lifestyle by making their product composition data easy available.
Read the full article here: