First European conference on reformulation & 3rd European Logo Round Table
February 26th, 2016
As the Dutch Health Minister and acting Chair of the European Health Council Edith Schippers proudly announced, the Conference on Food Product Improvement in Amsterdam was the first ever to discuss food reformulation in Europe with such a broad audience of senior health authorities, NGOs and business. Choices held a workshop during the conference on cooperation in front-of-pack labelling upon request of the Dutch Ministry. In the workshop the Keyhole, Heart Symbol, Traffic Light and Choices labelling initiatives have been presented. One of the conclusions of the workshop was that countries should not develop their own front-of-pack labelling, but do so in cooperation and based on the existing programmes.
The spirit of cooperation in reformulation and labelling was also expressed in the Roadmap that, at the end of the Conference, was supported by 22 member states and many companies and NGOs. Based on the same spirit of cooperation, Choices organized the Third European Logo Round Table that brought Keyhole, the Heart Symbol and Choices around the table to discuss a joint positioning and scientific exchange. The Round Table concluded that the need for simple, understandable and credible food labelling is growing. The positive logos that are already present in 12 countries in Europe can answer this need. Based on cooperation between government, food industry and NGOs and substantiated by science, these logo programmes show a high credibility and a consumer awareness that can amount to a level as high as 95%. With their realistic and product group specific criteria for reduction of sugar, salt and saturated fat, these logo programmes also act as an agenda for food product improvement.