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Consumer Goods Forum pushes reformulation

March 5th, 2015

Paris, 5 March 2015. The Consumer Goods Forum said today that in 2014 their members have reformulated more than 22,500 products to contribute to healthier diets. The Consumer Goods Forum is the global network of more than 400 of the largest retailers and brand manufacturers around the world. Choices International is one of its non-business members. Its Health & Wellness Resolutions aim at driving the members companies to positive action and to actively contribute to the health of billions of people around the globe. The 2014 progress report on these Resolutions shows that reformulation is seen as one of the key areas. And that collaboration with multiple stakeholders is necessary to activating initiatives. The Health & Wellness program commits to an industry wide and consistent food product labelling and to stop targeted advertising to children under 12 by 2018 for products that do not fulfil certain nutrition criteria.

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