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Clearer information for consumers on food labels

July 24th, 2012

On Wednesday, July 4, MEPs approved new EU food labelling rules that help consumers make better informed healthier choices. From now on, labels have to include a food’s energy content, salt levels, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugar and protein in a easy-to-read way. All the information has to be expressed per 100g or per 100ml. Additionally, it may be expressed per portion.

German MEP Renate Sommer (EPP) said the new rule is a good compromise that will not only benefit consumers, but also help the food industry and especially the SMEs.

The new rules ensure that consumers are not misled by the appearance of the food packaging.

Food companies have three years to adapt to most of the rules and five years for the rules on nutrition values.

Source: European Parliament Pressroom

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