Choices’ response on industry labeling announcement
March 9th, 2017
We noted six companies (Coca-Cola, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, Unilever, PepsiCo) announced the formation of a working group to work towards a common interpretative labelling scheme across Europe that builds upon the current UK hybrid labelling scheme and integrates portion sizes. See Choices International welcomes advances on front-of-pack labelling schemes as a way to make healthy choices easy. We will follow these discussions and outcomes with interest within the wider evidence on nutrition labelling that is emerging. Choices/ acknowledges the different roles foods and beverages play in the diets, each eaten in different quantities and with varied frequencies. That is why the Choices International Scientific Committee set product-group specific criteria that guide consumers to choose more healthy options while stimulating manufacturers to reformulate towards these challenging standards. Positive logos are the most widely applied and researched FOP labelling scheme in Europe and globally. With our members, we will continue to drive positive changes to help governments, health organizations, manufacturers and consumers achieving healthier diets.