Choices Re-launch Webinar
You may have noticed that Choices is not quite the organization it was before. You are correct; there have been many changes. We invite you to join the Choices Re-launch Webinar on July 21st at 9am (WAT), 10am (CET, CAT), 11am (EAT) or 16 (SGT) as we unveil Choices new face and priorities.
We have put together an exciting program with three prominent speakers: Gerda Verburg, UN Assistant Secretary-General and SUN Movement coordinator, Clémence Ross, board president of Choices International, and Rokiah Don, co-chair of the Choices International Scientific Committee.
Rokiah Don, together with Clémence Ross, will discuss the changing picture of nutrition in the world and the shifts that our organization has made. Gerda Verburg will respond to that from the viewpoint of the SUN Movement.
During the webinar, we will also watch a video in which young African nutrition scientists voice their ambition to improve nutrition in the continent, together with Choices. Clemence Ross will also unveil the new Choices logo.
Sign up to our webinar by clicking here.