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Choices Programme represented in IoM Study

July 19th, 2012

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IoM) published a report entitled Examination of Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols. As the first phase of a larger study, the report focuses on the elements of the nutrition rating criteria and the science behind the front-of-pack systems. The Choices Programme is presented as a Summary indicator system based on nutrient thresholds. The report concludes that this type of system, together with nutrient-specific systems that provide information on targeted nutrients, are the best means to encourage informed decisions with respect to consumers, and reformulation with respect to manufacturers. Indeed, these type of systems enable consumers to clearly identify the portion size and its allotted calories, as well as to compare and evaluate the amounts of targeted nutrients present in different products – both within and across food categories

The second phase focusing on consumer understanding and use of front-of-pack systems and symbols has just begun. This second phase of research is required to assess the overall viability of the two preferred systems. A report on this second phase will be released in the fall of 2011.

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