Choices hosts session at Latin American Congress of Nutrition
December 7th, 2012
The dramatic increase in obesity and its associated conditions in Latin American countries has produced a variety of initiatives aimed at encouraging healthy eating habits. Nutrition labelling and nutrient profiling will therefore be high on the agenda at the Latin American Congress of Nutrition, held in Cuba from 11-16 November 2012. A parallel session initiated by the Choices International Foundation will also focus on this topic. It will be moderated by Professor Uauy, Chair of the Choices Latin American Scientific Committee.
The objective of this session will be to generate awareness on the need to harmonise nutrient profiling methods and front-of-pack labelling within a multi-stakeholder setting, and this across Latin America. Experts from Argentina (Dr Dombrowski), Brazil (Professor Wenzel de Menezes), Chile (Professor Uauy) and Mexico (Dr Carriedo) will present the experiences derived in their respective countries, while the representative for the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), Branka Legetic, will outline the WHO-framework on nutrient profiling.
More information on the conference can be found at: