Choices Brazil’s Forum on Building Healthier Brands was a success
May 8th, 2012
On 20 September 2011, Choices Brazil organised a forum in São Paolo – Building Healthier Brands – dedicated to the theme of trends and innovation in the food industry. The objective was to highlight the Choices Programme to target companies and provide an overview of innovation studies, guidelines, tools and solutions for major food companies. This forum – which brought together food and beverage executives specialised in Marketing and Research & Development – also provided an excellent opportunity to discuss and highlight the latest food and drink trends. Over 150 participants attended, representing companies such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cargill, Danone and many others. Representatives from Nielsen, Health Focus International and Innova Market Insights were also present. The chairman of the Choices International Foundation, Pavel Telička, presented the Choices Programme as a means of building a healthier brand.