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Choices at the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

September 27th, 2013

Upon invitation by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Choices International had the opportunity to present itself to the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health in a meeting on labelling which took place on 26 September 2013.

Although not a Platform member, the Choices activities on reformulation and consumer friendly labelling, as well as its way of working with independent scientists and strong effort in impact monitoring, match closely with the Platform’s approach.

The presentation was well received by the European-level organisations representing both the food industry and NGOs for consumer protection, raising an interesting discussion on the dual logo in the Netherlands (green logo for basic products and blue logo for non-basic product categories). References made to Choices in two other presentations on catering and on the Ahold health strategy illustrate the growing importance of the Choices Programme as a benchmark for industry health strategies.

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