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Retailers: voluntary health labelling should be pre-competitive

January 20th, 2015

As the retail sector is an important area for propagating healthy choices, Choices International compiled a study on the motivation of retailers to adopt a front-of-pack positive health labelling system.

We interviewed 14 international food retailers from 11 different countries on 4 continents.

From the results we can conclude four main findings. Certain preconditions have to be met. Apart of course from consumer appreciation and an adequate legal framework, it should be open for all players on the market. Credibility of the label will be higher if many brands and retailers use it and if the use of the label is accompanied by unbranded information. A positive health labelling programme can be an important tool to implement the company’s health strategy. More specifically it can drive the reformulation of its private brand products, making them more competitive. Several retailers find it important that reformulation and positive health labelling of their private brand products can help low income consumers in making healthier choices.

Find the summary of the retail study here.

A publication of this study is in preparation. 

ICN2 focuses on nutrition secu

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ICN2 focuses on nutrition security

November 28th, 2014

At the Second FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition, Rome 19-21 November, a new global policy on nutrition security has been outlined. Hunger, malnutrition and obesity are the three issues that count and should be addressed equally. This ‘triple burden of poverty’ does not have easy solutions. Partnerships are needed, in which also the private sector must play a role. Agriculture should be far more nutrition sensitive, not only focusing on calories but also on the quality of the diet: fruits and vegetables request more attention. And, as FAO Director General Da Silva said, reformulation is needed to reduce the intake of sugar, salt and saturated fat.

Nutrition is high on the international agenda now. And that should remain the case for the next ten years. Therefore the conference recommended making the coming ten years the Decade of Nutrition.

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Léon Jansen speaks at the Glion Institute of Higher Education

November 27th, 2014

In November the Glion Institute of Higher Education, an international business school and one of the top three hospitality schools in the world based in Switzerland, invited the Science Secretary of the Choices International Foundation Dr. Léon Jansen to give a presentation on international initiatives that seek to improve the food landscape through front-of-pack labeling. Speaking to about 100 representatives from academia, institutes for nutrition, government and industry, Léon outlined the urgent need for healthier food options and reformulation, while explaining various (European) initiatives and practicalities for the out of home food industry to attract healthier options.

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