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Food systems and children

December 12th, 2018

Choices has been invited to attend a high-level consultation by UNICEF on ‘food systems and children’. In their strategic plan 2020-2030, UNICEF wants to bring ´healthy food based diets to the core of their activities’. Three important developments cause the need of re-thinking food for children in developing countries: the double burden of malnutrition, the upcoming food systems approach and urbanization (already more than 50% of the global population lives in cities nowadays).

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Working group to eliminate trans fatty acids in Nigerian population

December 12th, 2018

The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) set up a Technical Working Group, TWG, to eliminate or drastically reduce trans fatty acids in food supply chains in order to improve the cardiovascular health of Nigerians. The establishment of the TWG goes hand in hand with the call of the WHO at the 2018 World Health Assembly in Geneva, for countries to eliminate industrially-produced trans-fatty acids (TFAs) from the global food supply. Trans fatty acids are a major culprit in the causation of many of the heart-related deaths. For example sudden death syndrome, which had taken a serious toll on Nigerians.

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Dutch food sector prepares for new FOP label

December 10th, 2018

After the termination of the Dutch Choices label “Het Vinkje” last October, the Dutch junior minister of Health Paul Blokhuis recently announced in his Prevention Deal to start a stakeholder dialogue to come to a new voluntary front-of-pack logo to promote healthier food choices.

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