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10 Choices Principles

Choices has presented its 10 Choices principles within the Codex Alimentarius electronic working group that has started this year. This working group has to come up with proposals for basic principles for front-of-pack nutrition labelling in the beginning of 2019 and the Choices principles are serving as a contribution to this debate.

The Choices principles describe the way of working of Choices as an organization. While we are flexible and open to collaboration with various stakeholders in many different settings, we stand by these principles.

In short, they are:

  1. Foster healthier food choices to achieve a healthy diet
  2. Based on scientific research
  3. Collaboration is key to a successful logo implementation
  4. Adaption of the criteria based on national differences
  5. Stimulation of reformulation by the industry
  6. A positive approach towards food
  7. The programme is designed to be as simple as possible
  8. Consumer education and communication should be part of the implementation
  9. The use of Choices programme is on a voluntary basis
  10. Choices promotes international coherence and mutual recognition

These principles are now ready for distribution, in a designed handout format.

Download the handout here.

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