
Combatting the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia

May 13th, 2020

As the world is evolving so is the nutrition space globally, leaving no exception in lower to middle-income countries (LMICs). Urbanization, food security, economic and income growth are key drivers of the nutrition and lifestyle transition. Busier and more demanding lifestyles have altered consumer behavior with increased trends in consumption of packaged and easily accessible ready-made foods filled with high energy and low nutrient value. Additionally, the advancement in technology has increased overall sedentary levels, sparing little to no time on outdoor or physical activities.  

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Addressing the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Zambia and Indonesia

November 8th, 2019

Zambia and Indonesia are challenged by the double burden of malnutrition (DBM). Along with persisting issues of undernutrition, shifting diets towards foods high in sugar, fat, and salt are causing increasing problems of overweight, obesity and related non-communicable diseases. How can low- and middle-income countries such as Zambia and Indonesia address DBM? What national policy measures have already been undertaken? And what role do international organizations play in this nutrition response? Our intern Inge de Bresser committed to answering these questions as part of her master’s in Global Health.

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Addressing the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Nigeria

July 10th, 2019

The Double Burden of Malnutrition is a key issue in global health. Choices International, working with national health authorities and nutrition platforms, wants to know how this issue is perceived and addressed on a national level. To answer that question, Semnen Lambert, masters student in International Public Health at the Vrije University Amsterdam and coming from Nigeria, did her internship at Choices. Here is what she found.

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