Making the healthy choice, the easy choice.

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Choices Re-launch Webinar

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The Choices Programme is a unique multi-stakeholder cooperation that aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice.  Our goal is to help prevent obesity and other diet-related conditions. Choices criteria, set by leading independent scientist, indicate the healthiest option in each food group. The positive front-of-pack logo helps consumers make healthy food choices and stimulates producers to develop healthier products

Choices International Foundation is based on a unique multi-stakeholder collaboration to support national programmes that promote healthier food choices.

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The Choices Programme is a unique multi-stakeholder initiative designed to help consumers to easily select healthy food options and to help the industry to improve their products.

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The Choices principles describe the way of working of Choices as an organization.


Choices’ Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Choices logo in action

Choices support in preparation of national labelling program

Collaboration with existing positive labelling programs

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