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Choices presentation Nigeria nutrition policy – 12 September, Abuja

The Double Burden of Malnutrition is becoming more prevalent in low and middle-income countries. Choices International Foundation will be working with national health authorities and nutrition platforms in Nigeria. To feed this discussion, Choices will be presenting the results from the study by Semnen Lambert, MD, on the influence of international organizations on the development of the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Nigeria at the Nutrition Society of Nigeria (NSN) conference at 12 September 2019, Abuja, Nigeria. This study yielded informative and elucidating insight into recommendations by international organizations on addressing the DBM on a national level. Furthermore, the information from stakeholder investigation in Nigeria showed that additional efforts are required for a successful implementation of these policies. The NSN Annual Conference is the largest gathering of stakeholders in nutrition in Nigeria. This conference would be a valuable setting for the Choices International Foundation and in turn, could contribute to the improvement of nutrition in Nigeria by tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition.

If you attend the FENS conference, you are invited to this session and join the debate on DBM policies in Africa and Asia. 

Choices session at European Nutrition Conference

The double burden of malnutrition (DBM) is a serious problem in both Africa and Asia. While high levels of stunting and micro-nutrient deficiencies are persistent, the threat of non-communicable diseases is becoming a growing concern. In October 2019, the 13th European Nutrition Conference  (FENS) will be organized in Dublin, with this year’s theme being “Malnutrition in an Obese World: European Perspectives”.  In line with this theme, Choices has conducted two studies on the translation of global DBM policy guidelines into national nutrition policies, focussing on Nigeria, Zambia, and Indonesia. Inge de Bresser, master student Global Health from Maastricht University in the Netherlands and currently doing her internship at Choices, will present the results of these studies during the third poster session on the 17th of October. If you attend the FENS conference, you are invited to this session and join the debate on DBM policies in Africa and Asia. 

06 August 2019 – Choices organises a symposium session at Asia Congress Nutrition 2019, Bali

Positive logos are increasingly popular in East-Asia, with several countries that either has implemented a positive ‘healthier choice’ logo or are preparing or considering one.

In this symposium, Choices has lined up speakers from East Asia, to give presentations on the current status and new ambitions that are already confirmed. Co-chairs of the symposium are Ass. Prof. Rokiah Don (Malaysia) and Prof. Lauren Lissner (Sweden).

Below are some of the highlights topics that our speakers will share during the symposium:

  1. Rutger Schilpzand, Managing Director Choices International Foundation - Scientific substantiation of the model
  2. Prof Yang Yuexin, President of the Chinese Nutrition Society - The Science behind the development of the Chinese logo
  3. Dr Annie Ling, Group Director of Health Promotion Board - Market Impact of the logo program in Singapore
  4. Mrs Zalma Abdul Razak, Director Nutrition at MOH Malaysia - Revision of the criteria of the Malaysian logo
  5. Dr Wantanee Kriengsinyos, Mahidol University Thailand - The development of a monitoring framework for the logo in Thailand
  6. Dr Yusra Egayanti, BPOM Indonesia - Policies to foster healthy food choices in Indonesia

For more information on the abstract, please follow this link.

Additionally, Choices International has the privilege of delivering a video call by Director Nutrition at WHO Global, Francesco Branca. He will be mobilising companies to put in more effort to work on sugar reduction, especially for children and young adults.

28 August 2019 - Choices plenary session at African nutrition conference

The double burden of malnutrition hits Africa in the face. While stunting and nutrient deficiencies are still widespread and persistent, non-communicable diseases and overweight are on the rise. Therefore Choices will organize a plenary session at the African Congress on Nutrition, to be held in Kigali, 26-29 August 2019 and organized by the African Federation of Nutrition Societies FANUS. The session, called African Initiatives to fight the double burden of malnutrition will take place on 28 August, 10.30 – 13.00h. It will discuss positive actions to help consumers finding healthier choices, to push industry to double their efforts in developing affordable and attractive healthy products and to support health authorities in updating their nutrition policies.

Speakers are: Prof. Ngozi Nnam (President of FANUS), Kingsley Akinroye (Nigerian Heart Foundation), Raphael Siwit (World Food Program) and Rutger Schilpzand (Choices).

See the full conference program at

16 January 2018 - Fourth European Logo Round Table, Copenhagen

Representatives of countries with a front-of-pack labelling program and Choices International will meet at the WHO Europe premises in Copenhagen to exchange information and discuss new developments in labelling in Europe. For the second time, WHO Europe will join the meeting as an observer.

18 October 2017 - Choices organizes a scientific session at the global nutrition congress

ICN2017, Buenos Aires

Front of the Package Profiling Emerges as a Major Regulatory Tool Globally: new impact research. Chaired by Barry Popkin and impact data presented by: Ricardo Uauy (Chile), Mike Rayner (UK, traffic light), Sinne Smed (Denmark, Choices and Keyhole), Cliona Ni Mhurchu (New Zealand, star rating) and Marcela Reyes (Chile, warning label).

01 September 2017 - Singapore, fifth ASEAN front-of-pack logo workshop

14 May 2017 - Qatar, Healthy Food, Healthy Life Style seminar

Choices and Knowledge Center for Sport present a healthy life style proposition, combining front-of-pack labeling, nutrition education and promotion of physical activity.

05 November 2016 - Conference of the Indian Nutrition Society

Choices will give a presentation on labelling for healthy food choices and reformulation. 

27 October 2016 - Choices meeting Food Industry Asia (Singapore)

Choices will give a presentation to the Regulatory Affairs Commission of Food Industry Asia.

15 September 2016 - Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia

Choices and the Croatian Institute of Public Health are organizing a workshop on cooperation in positive labelling in South-Eastern Europe. 

15-17 Jun 2016 - 60th Global Summit of the Consumer Goods Forum (Cape Town)

The Global Summit is exclusively reserved for members of The Consumer Goods Forum. It is the global event for retailers, manufacturers and their suppliers; it is the essential destination for successful business leaders in our sector; it is where CEOs talk to CEOs with additional input from experts and specialists; it is the forum to voice the key issues and challenges facing our industry now and in the future; it is the place where the global agenda for the consumer goods sector is set; it is where the responses to previously set challenges are shared; and it is the event you must attend if your future is in this vital and global industry. More information on the website of the CGF

15 June 2016 - Consumers and Health Claims - Final Conference CLYMBOL (Brussels)

Health claims and symbols are messages on food packages intended to aid consumers to identify foods that are healthier options. The question is, do they work and if so, how? This is what the EU FP7-funded project CLYMBOL has been investigating and on 15 June 2016 at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels, the project will present its results. Do consumers understand health claims and symbols? And does it affect their purchase decisions and consumption behaviour?

Find more information on the website of CLYMBOL

04-07 Jun 2016 - World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health

The World Congress of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Health (WCC 2016) of the World Heart Federation is a global interactive event in Mexico City to promote CV health. With an outstanding line up of world leaders in heart health and 120 sessions on cardiovascular health and cardiology practice - including acute coronary syndromes, heart rhythm disorders and heart failure - for all health and public health professionals. Find more information on the WCC website

01-04 Jun 2016 - European Obesity Summit (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Scientific session positive logos

At 1 June the European Obesity Summit takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden. Together with positive logo organisations Keyhole and Heart logo, Choices will host a scientific session at this event. The three organisations, that are currently present in twelve European countries, will share their experiences and the impact of positive front-of-pack labelling in Europe. New data about the impact of the programmes on food product improvement will be presented. WHO Europe’s nutrition director João Breda will share his conclusions and fuel the debate.

Make sure to visit us at the summit!

Time and place: 1 June 10.30 – 12.30h, European Obesity Summit, Gothenburg, Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Hall F4 and F5.  

26 May 2016 - International Scientific Committee Meeting (Amsterdam)

Meeting of Choices International Scientific Committee 

28 March 2016 - Workshop on front-of-pack labelling and criteria setting (Jerusalem)

Organized by Ministry of Health of Israel.

22-23 Feb 2016 - Conference on Food Product Improvement (Amsterdam)

Conference on Food Product Improvement, including a session by Choices on front-of-pack labelling.

22 January 2016 - Conference Health, Food, Nutrition 2016 (Prague)

Organized by Vím co Jím.

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