Choices Research
In The Netherlands, the first country to introduce the Choices logo, the VU University Amsterdam – under the guidance of Prof. Jaap Seidell – studied the effects of the introduction of the logo in The Netherlands since 2007. The PhD thesis that resulted from this study can be found at A regularly updated summary of the research on positive front-of-pack labelling can be found in the research overview.
- Dutch Choices Foundation (2016) Preliminary results analysis innovation of products with the Choices logo.
- Jansen L & Roodenburg AJC (2015) The use of food composition data in the international Choices Programme. Food Chemistry.
Bialkova, S. et al. (2014) Attention mediates the effect of nutrition label information on consumers’ choice. Evidence from a choice experiment involving eye-tracking. Appetite 76, 66-75.
Van der Bend, D. et al. (2014). A Simple Visual Model to Compare Existing Front-of-pack Nutrient Profiling Schemes. European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety, 4 (4): 429-534.
de Menezes EW., et al. (2013). Application of Choices criteria in Brazil: impact on nutrient intake and adequacy of food products in relation to compounds associated with the risk of non-transmissible chronic diseases. Food Chemistry (2013).
Roodenburg A. et al. (2013). Modelling of usual nutrient intakes: Potential impact of the Choices Programme on nutrient intakes in Young Dutch adults. PLOS ONE [28 August 2013]
Gesser-Edelsburg A, et al. (2013) Nutrition labelling and the choices logo in Israel: positions and perceptions of leading health policy makers. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Gallicano R, et al. (2012) Consumer Response to Nutrition Information Menu Labeling in Full-Service Restaurants: Making the Healthy Choice, in Joseph S. Chen (ed.) Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.109-125.
- Hodgkins C, et al. Understanding how consumers categorise nutritional labels; a consumer derived typology for front-of-pack nutrition labelling. Appetite (2012) accepted for publication.
- Louie JCY, et al. (2012) Nutritional quality of Australian breakfast cereals. Are they improving? Appetite 59 464–470.
- Roberto CA et al. (2012). Facts Up Front Versus Traffic Light Food Labels. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Prev Med 2012;43(2):134 –141).
- Storcksdiecks et al. (2012). Nutrition Labelling to Prevent Obesity: Reviewing the Evidence from Europe. Current Obesity Reports 1(3): 134-140.
- Van Kleef et al. (2012). The growing role of front-of-pack nutrition profile labelling: A consumer perspective on key issues and controversies. In press: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
- Vyth EL, et al. (2012). Methodological quality of front-of-pack labelling studies: A review and identification of research challenges. Nutrition reviews 2012, in press.
- Waterlander W, et al. (2012). Introducing taxes, subsidies or both: The effects of various food pricing strategies in a web-based supermarket randomized trial. Preventive Medicine 54 (2012) 323–330.
- Roodenburg AJC, Popkin BM & Seidell JC (2011) Development of international criteria for a front of package food labelling system: the International Choices Programme. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1-11.
- Roodenburg AJC, et al. (2011). Potential effects of nutrient profiles on nutrient intakes in the Netherlands, Greece, Spain, USA, Israel, China and South-Africa. PLoS ONE 6 (2).
- Temme EHM et al. (2011). Impact of foods with health logo on saturated fat, sodium and sugar intake of young Dutch adults. Public Health Nutrition 14 (4): 635-644.
- Van Herpen E & Van Trijp HCM (2011). Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels: Their Effect on Attention and Choices when Consumers have Varying Goals and Time Constraints. Appetite 57(1):147-160.
- Vyth EL et al. (2011). Consuming a diet complying with front-of-pack criteria may reduce cholesterol levels: a modeling study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 16 November 2011.
- Vyth EL et al. (2011). Influence of Placement of a Nutrition Logo on Cafeteria Menu Items on Lunchtime Food Choices at Dutch Work Sites. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111: 131-136.
- Vyth EL, van der Meer EWC, Seidell JC, Steenhuis IHM (2011). A nutrition label in worksite cafeterias in the Netherlands: an implementation evaluation across two large catering companies in The Netherlands. Health Promotion International Advance Access, doi: 10.1093/heapro/dar034.
- Bialkova, S & van Trijp HCM (2010). What determines consumer attention to nutrition labels? Food Quality and Preference 21:1042–1051.
- Vyth EL et al. (2010). Actual use of a front-of-pack nutrition logo in the supermarket: Consumers' motives in food choice. Public Health Nutrition, April: 1-8.
- Ik Kies Bewust, effecten van het logo op het koopgedrag (Ik Kies Bewust effects on purchase behaviour). LEI 2010. [in Dutch].
- Steenhuis I et al. (2010). The Effects of Using a Nutrition Logo on Consumption and Product Evaluation of a Sweet Pastry. Appetite, 55(3): 707-709.
- Trichterborn J et al. (2010). Fine bakery wares with label claims in Europe and their categorisation by nutrient profiling models. EJCN: 1-6.
- Vyth EL, Steenhuis IHM, Roodenburg AJC, Brug J, Seidell JC. (2010). Front-of-pack nutrition label stimulates healthier product development: a quantitative analysis. IJBNPA doi:10.1186/1479-5868-7-65.
- Vyth EL et al. (2009). A front-of-pack nutrition logo: a quantitative and qualitative process evaluation in the Netherlands. Journal of Health Communication, 14/7: 631-45.
- Roodenburg AJC et al. (2009). Potential impact of the Choices Programme on nutrient intakes in the Dutch Population. Nutrition Bulletin, 34/3: 318-23.
- Feunekes G et al. (2008). Front- of-pack nutrition labelling: Testing effectiveness of different nutrition labelling formats front-of-pack in four European Countries. Appetite, 50/1: 57-70.
- Dötsch-Klerk M & Jansen L (2008). The Choices programme: a simple, front-of-pack stamp making healthy choices easy. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17/5 suppl. 1: 383-86.